Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 14 | Navigating Change and Transition

In this episode, we're talking about the often overlooked difference between change and transition. We're drawing on the wisdom of William Bridges, whose work has been a guiding light for over a decade, especially during times of organizational upheaval like acquisition or restructuring, and equally relevant in our personal lives.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 13 | Financial Simplicity with Nicole Barham

In our recent episode of Live Stoked, Lead Stoked, I had the pleasure of having Nicole Barham, a beacon of inspiration in the realm of personal finance on the show. Nicole, with her 5 Minute Bookkeeper, reminds us that managing our money doesn't have to be a complex endeavor riddled with fear and avoidance.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 11 | Understanding Your Unique Identity with Dr. Stephanie Kirkland

In this episode, Sarah sat down with Dr. Stephanie Kirkland to explore the concept of 'living stoked,' which Dr. Kirkland describes as leading an identity-centered life, where one's interactions with the world are shaped by personal agency and choice. The conversation tackles the societal expectations placed on women, the importance of prioritizing one's personal identity, and the need for self-awareness. Dr. Kirkland also discusses her upcoming book, 'Identity: 12 Lessons on Unapologetically Owning Your Uniqueness in a World that Doesn't See it as Normal,' emphasizing the significance of being true to oneself and understanding one's beliefs and values. She sheds light on the idea of seeking permission, the importance of making intentional choices, and the need to shift one's own narrative.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 10 | Embracing Your Big Yes Energy with Susan Hyatt

Get ready for an enlightening conversation with the incredible Susan Hyatt. In today's episode, we're unpacking the big decisions in life: money, career shifts, and the quest for personal fulfillment. Susan shares her inspiring transition from a cash-strapped mom to a savvy investor and life coach, encouraging women to take the reins of their financial futures. We delve into the vital discussion of financial literacy and challenge the norms that prevent women from fully participating in these crucial conversations.Together, we explore what it means to live with 'big yes energy,' the strength in facing our fears, and the transformative power of embracing change.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 9 | Building Supportive Work Environments for Black Women with Lauren Dike

In this episode we dive deep into a conversation with Lauren Dike about the importance of understanding and inclusion, particularly in the realm of diversity and inclusion (DI) work for black women. Lauren discusses her personal journey from a corporate background, through anxiety and isolation, to discovering a profound passion for DI and ultimately concentrating on the empowerment of black women.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 8 | From Emergency Medicine to Ultrarunning with John Goldfield

Welcome to another episode of Live Stoked, Lead Stoked. Today, we're diving into an inspiring conversation with John Goldfield, my former partner on the ambulance and someone who embodies the essence of living and leading stoked. John shares his journey from being a paramedic to a physician assistant, and now serving on the North Carolina medical board. We chat about John's unexpected foray into the world of running - evolving from a weight loss initiative to passionately engaging in ultra marathons and even governing a 100-mile race. We both reflect on our professional transitions, the struggles of burnout, and the personal growth that comes from embracing the toughest of situations. From our frontline experiences during the pandemic to the role of self-care in preventing burnout, we delve into the lessons learnt and the joy found in nature and camaraderie.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 7 | Ask Me Anything: Bologna Business School Edition

In today's Ask Me Anything, I share insightful stories and answer thought-provoking questions inspired by my recent experience speaking at the Bologna Business School Global MBA program. I explore the challenges of leading DEI across different cultures, discusses the importance of inclusive leadership, and shares personal anecdotes from my time as a firefighter. Throughout the episode, I provide valuable insights on how leaders can navigate complex workplace dynamics and promote inclusivity.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 5 | I Forgot to Have Kids!!

In the world of living stoked and leading stoked, we often delve into the complexities of personal and professional growth, exploring the intricacies of life's various journeys. Today, we'll discuss the multifaceted dynamics of parenthood and caregiving - a deeply personal and meaningful subject that intersects with our roles as individuals, leaders, and members of a larger community.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Ep. 3 | AMA - Answering Your Questions

In this special episode, Sarah answers your questions in her candid and insightful style.

Tackling an array of topics, Sarah shares her experiences, ranging from overcoming vulnerability hangovers to the importance of asking meaningful questions in job interviews. She delves into the nuances of imposter syndrome, the significance of understanding diverse cultural contexts, and the power of curiosity in bridging gaps in understanding.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Pull-ups & The Power of Coaching

Last month, I posted on the socials with pride that I had done 45 pull-ups. Granted, they were assisted with two heavy duty bands that carried some of my weight and the pull-ups were uglier than sin. BUT it did them and was so proud that I posted about them.

What I didn't post was how emotional I was when I left the gym that day. I was so damned proud of myself that I cried…happy cry? Overwhelmed cry? I have no idea. As I walked the 15 minute walk home, I spent some time exploring the experience and realized that I had experienced the power of coaching. I was so stoked and ready to post about it back then, but didn't. I wasn't feeling it.

I didn't realized why until today…after completing 50 chin ups (assisted and ugly), I realized the long term impact of the coaching I received a month before.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

2024 Annual Planning & Why SMART Goals Can Be Stupid

I'm not proud of myself…I have hated goal setting for most of my life. Why, they feel arbitrary, random, aspirational.

That's not to say I don't set goals and do big things…I've done a lot of big things, from triathlons and marathons to epic trips around the world to getting myself out of debt and into positive net worth. Yes, you could technically call them goals…and I got them done, but there wasn't any formal goal setting or planning. I just did the stuff.

As I've gotten older a number of things have shifted for me.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

The Power of Disconnecting

I went to Australia and New Zealand for three weeks and did not check email…not at all…not even a peek.

I did check-in with my executive assistant, but only once. The trip was a bucket list trip and one full of yesses…I paraglided!! I intentionally made sure it was also a trip where I could be present and engaged with what was happening there and not with what was happening in a different hemisphere. I also knew that I might learn a thing or two about the business and team.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

Linkage Women in Leadership (2022): Themes & Takeaways

Another Linkage Women in Leadership Institute (WIL) has ended and my heart is as full as ever. After 9 years, you'd think the magic would have worn off, but it hasn't. I find that I get just as much out of the experience as the women attending for the first time. I’m walking away this year with a few key themes and takeaways.

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Sarah Bettman Sarah Bettman

I’m Glad You’re Here

The moment the path to my purposeful life emerged was also the moment I realized everything had fallen apart. It was a rainy day and I was on my way home from the grocery store, sitting at a stop sign, temporarily mesmerized by the swish of the windshield wipers. I found myself thinking “is this all there is to life?” This life, in my case, was a job I loved but that no longer fit me, a marriage that was respectful but not fulfilling, a home that I couldn’t get comfortable in. In other words, I found myself in the wrong life.

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